s Thomsen

Health Matching Account


Health Matching Account (HMA)

Benefits Of A HMA
  • Flexible Monthly Payment Plans
  • Pre-Existing Conditions Accepted
  • HMA Has Guarateed Acceptance
  • HMA's Are Easy To Use

About HMA's

The Health Matching Account (HMA®) is a medical savings account designed exclusively to pay for most of your and your family's out-of-pocket, medical expenses including your dental and vision needs as well as copays, deductibles and coinsurance that are not covered by your major-medical insurance plan or Medicare.

Questions About HMA's

With so many choices for health insurance, what is the best option? It depends on which insurance option you qualify for. Some are just open during open enrollment, others are open throughout the year. Which one is which? Contact Sally! Sally has been specializing in health insurance options since ObamaCare became law. So much has changed and Sally has kept up with all the changes as well as other options. Contact Sally today!


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